Both those regions and the Hordes should be much more interesting now that they’re facing a potential threat/economic partner to their East. The Jade Dragon DLC in some ways seems like a follow-up to Rajas of India, which added India as a playable region but has been less widely adopted than some other DLCs as a key part of the game. Although China won’t be playable or even physically on the map, it will still exert considerable influence on states in the East, both the Hordes and India itself. Jade Dragon takes the world of Crusader Kings 2 farther to the East than it has ever gone, well beyond the lands of India to the Far East. The DLC looks exciting and feature rich, but the truth is Crusader Kings 2 is showing its age-and despite excitement for Jade Dragon, we have reason to believe and even hope that this will be the end of the line.Ĭrusader Kings 2: Jade Dragon: End Of The World, End Of The Game? And now, Paradox has announced yet another major DLC: Jade Dragon, which introduces China as a non-playable power. In fact, it’s still actively supported over nearly the same stretch of time between Civilization V and Civilization VI. Crusader Kings 2 has been out for more than five years now and has seen vastly more DLC in its lifetime than just about any other strategy game.